Friday, 3 January 2014

5 takeaways for the New Year...

New Year is just one day away…I’ve been thinking from quite some time on what to post for the last day of 2013…Here are some of the lessons of this year I wish to piggy back to the promising new year ahead:-

  • Taking out time with kids for art and craft always works. Kids enjoy the colors, scissors, frills, accessories to stick/cut/paste and we too feel excited and rejuvenated to do something different, out of our monotonous schedule. So its always a win win deal. 
  • Saving power, water and other resources are simple few things we can teach our kids right from their childhood so that later it becomes a habit. Like switching off the light/fan, close the tap while brushing teeth, in between washing hands etc are the small steps we can take to kick start with. It becomes both, a fun activity for kids to reach out to switch/tap and also serves the purpose of inculcating the right habit, right there right now. 
  • Slapping and shouting should be used as a last weapon to vent out anger on kids. Rather staying silent on the moment for a moment, talking it out with the kid works out. I read a wonderful phrase on Parentous itself, “Slapping more than once just lets out your frustration. It doesn’t teach child anything more.”
Take a deep breath instead. Speak out.
Try it out. Believe me, it works.

  • I always find dancing with my son best way to lift up the mood and spirits. It just requires me to Put on the music on FM/ phone, mostly the numbers which my son likes, and here we both go. As they say, Happiness comes in small packets and mostly free. 
  • Tiffins are last thing to worry for. We still have mornings, afternoons and evenings in our hand to stuff the tiny tummies. J 
These are my take aways…What’s yours?

And a very Happy New Year to my fellow friends… Keep smiling always…Stay Raw, Stay Happy...:)

Originally posted on Parentous

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